Hijri and Gregorian date
Learn about today's Hijri date according to the Hijri calendar and the Arabic months, and also today's Gregorian date according to the Gregorian calendar
If you are looking for the current day, any day of the week, or the current month, any month of the Hijri or Arabic months, as well as the current month, any month of the Gregorian months, then you are here in the right place.
Here you will learn about both the Hijri and Gregorian dates with all the details you are looking for
Here you will know the Hijri date in full digital format, as the number for the day in the current Hijri month is displayed, as well as the Hijri month number according to the order of the Hijri months followed, and then the current Hijri year in digital format
This will also be followed by mentioning the Hijri date in another form in which the name of the current Hijri month is mentioned along with the current Hijri day and year
We also display the name of the current Hijri month without mentioning the day or year as a form of simplification and ease
Then we display the current day, i.e. the day of the week
After detailing the Hijri date, we move to detailing the Gregorian date
Here you will know the Gregorian date in full digital format, as the number for the day in the current Gregorian month is displayed, as well as the Gregorian month number according to the order of the Gregorian months recognized in all countries of the world and international institutions, and then the current Gregorian year in digital format
This will also be followed by mentioning the Gregorian date in another form, in which the name of the current Gregorian month is mentioned, along with the current day and year
We also display the name of the current Gregorian month without mentioning the day or year as a form of simplification and ease
Today hijri date
Hijri date : 9 Rabi al-Akhir 1446
Hijri date in numbers: 9-4-1446
Day: Saturday
Month: Rabi al-Akhir
Year: 1446
Today's Gregorian date
Today's date : 12 October 2024
Today's date in numbers : 12-10-2024
Month: October
Year: 2024
If you are looking for the current day, any day of the week, or the current month, any month of the Hijri or Arabic months, as well as the current month, any month of the Gregorian months, then you are here in the right place. Here you will learn about both the Hijri and Gregorian dates with all the details you are looking for Here you will know the Hijri date in full digital format, as the number for the day in the current Hijri month is displayed, as well as the Hijri month number according to the order of the Hijri months followed, and then the current Hijri year in digital format
This will also be followed by mentioning the Hijri date in another form in which the name of the current Hijri month is mentioned along with the current Hijri day and year
We also display the name of the current Hijri month without mentioning the day or year as a form of simplification and ease Then we display the current day, i.e. the day of the week
After detailing the Hijri date, we move to detailing the Gregorian date
Here you will know the Gregorian date in full digital format, as the number for the day in the current Gregorian month is displayed, as well as the Gregorian month number according to the order of the Gregorian months recognized in all countries of the world and international institutions, and then the current Gregorian year in digital format
This will also be followed by mentioning the Gregorian date in another form, in which the name of the current Gregorian month is mentioned, along with the current day and year
We also display the name of the current Gregorian month without mentioning the day or year as a form of simplification and ease